Amazing School » News Update
Good News from Amazing School
Understanding and caring for the community and environment, acceptance to differences, sense of patriotism, understanding on rules and roles in the community, awareness to important events, are the goals of the Social and Emotional Development.

Children Polio 2nd Vaccination
Seventy-nine years ago, Indonesia gained its independence and was recognized by most countries around the world. Today, the Amazing School primary students are honouring the heroes and remembering the struggles of those who fought for Indonesia’s freedom through blood and tears. As the young generation, we now fight for Indonesia’s prosperity by dedicating ourselves to our studies and much more, continuing to honour our nation in every way we can. ...
Primary - Indonesia Flag Ceremony
Seventy-nine years ago, Indonesia gained its independence and was recognized by most countries around the world. Today, the Amazing School primary students are honouring the heroes and remembering the struggles of those who fought for Indonesia’s freedom through blood and tears. As the young generation, we now fight for Indonesia’s prosperity by dedicating ourselves to our studies and much more, continuing to honour our nation in every way we can. ...
Primary - Independence Day
Today, Amazing School students, from first grade to sixth grade celebrated Indonesia's Independence Day with a series of fun games and competitions. The students enjoyed activities like the sack race, dropping pencils into bottles, and the hilarious biscuit-eating challenge, hooking the helmet plastic basin, all while basking in the sunshine. It was a joyful reminder of the precious freedom we have, and how grateful we are for the gift of independence!Amazing Students!!Let’s continue the ...
Preschool - Independence Day
Dressed in red and white, just like the Indonesian flag, the Amazing School students, Nursery and Kindergartens celebrated Indonesia Independence Day! They played fun games like ball tossing, building triangle-shaped paper cup toders, and enjoyed an indoor picnic together with all their classmates. The kids all the national songs, including Greater Indonesia, August 17, and Garuda Pancasila. They are filling the room with pride and joy. It was a heartwarming day, full of laugher and love for our ...
Preschool - Bouncy Flower Garden
"Kids, we're going to create bouncing flowers in a garden!" announced our Amazing School Nursery teacher. We were so impressed by how carefully the students followed the instructions and completed their projects with such enthusiasm! Now, with their wonderful creations finished, the children can proudly take them home and show off their colourful, bouncy flower gardens, and the story of making one to everyone. ...
Preschool Meal Achievements
We’re excited to share that our Nursery students have started learning table manners and how to use a spoon and fork all by themselves! No matter what's on their plate, we encourage them to finish their meal. To help them succeed, we work closely with parents to make sure meal portions are just right, starting small and building up over time. This way, our little ones can enjoy each bite and feel proud of their progress! ...
Amazing School Graduation 10th 2024-2025
Courageous—that’s the theme of this year's graduation. We know the road ahead will bring new challenges, but we encourage you, graduates, to face them with courage! Remember the words from Joshua 1:7 (NKJV): “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” Congratulations primary and preschool graduates, on reaching the end of this chapt ...
Field Trip to Rivera Sentul Bogor
Our Amazing School upper-grade students recently visited Rivera Outbound & Edutainment in Sentul, where they had a blast playing various games and tackling challenging obstacles. It was inspiring to see so many students conquer their fears, especially when it came to climbing! The rope balance course, despite being the toughest, turned out to be their favourite. Many of them tried it multiple times, having so much fun in the process. What an exciting day full of adventure and courage! ...
Field Trip to Museum of Transportation
Who would have thought that so many unique and fascinating modes of transportation have been around for so long? Our upper-grade Amazing Students took a trip to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah), exploring the Transportation, Science, and Technology museums. Dressed in their white and blue sports uniforms, they eagerly explored all the incredible artefacts from top to toe. Reading every explanation, touching every edge of the shapes to perceive with their senses. Time may have flown by, but the ...

What they said about Amazing School
I've been to this school myself. learning lessons; having fun; being taught of the Nationality of Indonesia; and most importantly, Godly character. I grew up to be in this school and the improvement of my character and social behaviour increased by a high rate. Thank You Amazing School.
~ Timothy Paul - Alumni ~
Landasan iman dan karakter adalah hal yang penting bagi kami dalam menyekolahkan anak selain pengetahuan. Amazing School menurut saya tempat yg tepat dalam mengembangkan semua itu. Ditunjang oleh guru2 yang bukan hanya mendidik namun juga mengasihi anak kami. Kami beruntung bisa menemukan sekolah ini.
~ Mama Jessica Shalom ~

Jl. Pondok Jagung Timur No.32-33
Pd. Jagung Timur, Serpong Utara
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15326
+62 877-4307-8658

To discover and develop the children’s potentials based on Biblical principles through strong partnership with parents.